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How To Make Time For Youself

In our busy world of jobs, friends, family, kids, pets and home, taking time out for just you can feel like an impossible task. However, this is an important priority to maintain. Making time for yourself helps improve your mental health, reduce stress, and improve your overall quality of life.

Wondering how you can create extra time each day that is solely dedicated to your wellbeing?

Accept Imperfection

This concept is challenging, especially if you like to be in control and for things to be a certain way. Taking time for yourself requires being able to accept that things cannot be perfect all the time. This also includes accepting that it’s ok if everything doesn’t get done. Perhaps learning when to delegate or walk away could be helpful.

● Learning to accept that something is “good enough” may be key to finding balance in your life.


Schedule “You” Time

If you’re child has a doctor’s appointment, there’s no thinking about it, there’s no trying – you get them there. This is the attitude you need to have when it comes to making time for yourself. Scheduling specific time for you means you are more likely to stick to it and stay committed to your health and wellbeing.

● Treating yourself as an afterthought actually teaches others to do the same. (More on that later!) It can also lead to burnout. Make yourself a priority regularly.


Find Something To Make Time For

It can be hard to justify making time for yourself if you have no idea how you will fill it. Make sure you have something planned that you simply can’t say no to.

This could be reading a chapter of a book, painting your nails, taking a walk, working on a project, or even taking a bath. It just needs to make you happy.

● Giving time to things outside of work, friends, and family helps you to reconnect with yourself and feel more balanced and whole.


Change Your Routine

Sometimes, finding time for yourself may require you to change up your routine. Try getting up an hour earlier each day or learn to say “no” to requests or commitments that don’t really replenish you.

● Learning the power of “no” can be extremely liberating. I refer to these as “healthy boundaries”. You may be surprised at how much free time you have when you shed obligations that you have no passion for! Remember, you can be polite and kind while still being assertive when saying “no”.


Take A Break From Tech

In some cases, technology can do more harm than good. Try not to make your personal time revolve around tech. Instead, take a break from screens and give your eyes and mind a much-needed break.


● Looking at screens can interfere with your sleeping patterns, so try and avoid technology at least one hour before you go to bed.


● The light emitted from electronic devices mimic daylight and interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, your natural sleep hormone.


Putting others first may seem easier or more natural, and there’s no denying that it’s important to meet your responsibilities and take care of those you love. But as the old adage goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So don’t forget to refill often!

Putting yourself first now and then is the secret to a happy and successful life.

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Hi, I'm Jill!

I help women create positive change and cope with life’s challenges so they can start moving forward confidently and decisively.

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