always looking backward

Are You Living In The Past?

Do you easily go with the flow or do you have a tendency to struggle with transitions or challenges that come your way?

Maybe you’ve started a new business so you’ve gone from having plenty of money and a big house to living from paycheck to paycheck.

Or perhaps you’ve experienced the loss of a relationship that devastated you and you keep replaying the events of what went down during your last conversation.

How about your kids?  Maybe they went off to college this year and you’re not sure what to do with yourself or what your purpose is?

Do you notice you still suffer a lot of emotional pain over an upsetting event you experienced long ago, you might be stuck in your history and unable to move forward.

If you find yourself feeling stuck, it could be because you’re too focused on the past… looking back wistfully to earlier years, and wishing things could have remained “the same”.

Although some would argue, “What’s so bad about living in the past,” the fact is that doing so means the present—your reality—is flying by without you grabbing on to it to move forward and achieve your life aspirations.

You have a loving and kind heart. And connected to that heart is the heart of God, who has given you unique gifts and talents that are needed in this world at this time.  That is why you were born! 

So, it’s time to show up.  Now is the time to bless our world with all of who you are!  I know you can do it!

So check this out.  You’re living in the past if…

  1. You think every day about some aspect of how your life used to be. Maybe you call it walking down memory lane, nostalgia or simple yearnings for what your life was like before. Reflecting daily on the past really gets in the way of moving forward.
  2. You try to sleep as much as possible.  I’m not talking about regular night time sleep.  I’m referring to when you sleep, your dreams become these fantasies that make you feel safe and keep you locked into the past.  When you sleep too much, you may be avoiding stepping out of your comfort zone or listening to that inner voice that is pushing you toward greater personal growth.
  3. You spend a lot of time on the computer. Being on the computer keeps you busy and you don’t have to think about how your life has changed.
  4. You use other methods to “escape” from reality, like reading, cleaning, shopping, or even drinking alcohol. Perhaps you’re constantly in motion and doing something so you don’t have to face life as it is now.
  5. You’re in denial about your current living situation. It’s hard to accept that you no longer have a partner or live in the home you thought you would for the rest of your life. Maybe you don’t want to rearrange the furniture or get rid of some things you don’t use because they remind you of a person who’s no longer in your life.

If you see yourself in these five points, you’re probably living in the past.  Let’s examine the following steps to get started living in the present.  I promise you, it’s totally worth it!

Start living in the “Here and Now” by first identifying the issue(s).  Next, re-connect with yourself and move forward to create a fulfilling life.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Openly acknowledge to yourself what you’ve been doing. The first step toward healing is acknowledgement. Say to yourself aloud, “I’ve been living in the past and I want to stop doing that.”  Change your declaration to fit your specific circumstances.
  • Decide what you must do to shift into the present. Do you need to clean out closets, get rid of old possessions, or maybe even move your residence? Sometimes, moving forward in your life literally means moving.  Other times, simply reorganizing or redecorating is all you need to shift the energy within you and your surroundings.
  • Know your life goals. Make a plan you can follow to actively pursue your goals.  If it all seems too overwhelming, a good life coach can help you sort through all those thoughts and emotions, identify your goals, and help you take steps toward creating the life you envision.  And if you’re not even sure what your vision of the future is, a good life coach can help you with that too by first exploring your values, your beliefs, your lifestyle and dreams.  From there, you’ll put the pieces together to design a life you’ll love!
  • Take care of yourself. Face yourself in the mirror. Take excellent physical care of yourself. This isn’t about being the perfect weight or no wrinkles.  It’s all about a positive, growth oriented mindset.  Challenge yourself mentally.  Move your body.  Speak honestly.  And, tap into that universal power that is greater than yourself.
  •  Go Deep. Work to gain understanding of your feelings. Allow yourself to grieve who or what you’ve lost if you need to.
  • Contact professionals if needed. Seek out medical care if you’ve overlooked doing that these past years. Have an annual check-up. If you require psychological assistance to get things in perspective, contact your local mental health center or ask your general physician for a referral to a counselor.If you’re highly functional yet need support and strategies to cope with a difficult situation or relationship, speak to a life coach.  Many people see both a therapist and life coach because they complement each other so well.  You may also wish to consider energy healing for stress management and relaxation or to support your physical healing.
  • Waste no more time. Be in awe of each day. Don’t you just love the word “AWE”?!  It’s so expansive and freeing!  Do something positive with every 24 hour period.  Listen.  Give.  Express gratitude.  Breathe.  And start immediately.

Living in the past robs you of the life you truly deserve.

Re-state your life goals to yourself and then begin living out your dreams in the here and now.  Being present puts you in a magnetic state where the right opportunities and people are naturally attracted to you.

One of my favorite sayings is “what is meant for you will come to you”.  But it’s only true if you allow it. 

Don’t believe it’s possible?  Let’s talk.  Because if you’re ready to do the work, together, we can make big things happen for you.

Schedule your free Discovery Session here. 

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Hi, I'm Jill!

I help women create positive change and cope with life’s challenges so they can start moving forward confidently and decisively.

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